Don La Greca Blew A Gasket While Talking About Mike Francesa Being Numbah One In The Ratings Once Again

Does this look like the face of a man that doesn’t care who you listen to on New York sports radio?

I have to admit that Don La Greca is starting to grow on me. I mean I would never watch that show. But anybody that can go from 0-100 MPH and lose their fucking marbles on the radio for the most trivial reasons is A-OK in my book. Over the last year we had Don going bananas about how the Yankees used Aaron Judge

Sabermetrics nerds talking pigskin

And now about Mike Francesa placing first in the ratings yet again while Neil Best and most of New York slobbed on his knob about it.

This rant was solid, but the excuses and lack of an all-time ridiculous reaction gif knocked it down a few pegs in my book.

Final rating:

I can’t even blame La Greca for being mad either. Mike is one of those organisms that festers in people’s brains and feasts on it. He’s a disrupter. The more he acts like a blowhard or shits on his listeners, the more they love him. Mike doesn’t care about Yankees lead ins or podcast numbers. All he understands is the radio books like it’s still 1986. And that book says he was numbah one again. Resumes, longevity, ratings, paychecks, Mink Man. That’s what Mike does.

Lets check in to see how Michael Kay was handling talk about Mike Francesa hijacking his show again now that the king is back.

*Hello darkness my old friend*

The cherry on top of this video was Mike Francesa’s response at the end. Cool as a cucumber like Jordan in the 4th. Do you think Mike has time to get into a petty radio war? No fucking way. He just invented a little thing called daily fantasy sports live on his show a couple of days ago. Who gives a shit about radio rivalries when you just thought of a business that has a chance to become a billion dollar industry in a few years a few years ago. This is chess, it ain’t checkers. You are either numbah one or you are last. And we all know who numbah one is.

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